Newspaper / Magazine / Brochure / Catalogue
This particular technology is recommended for those who have truly large volume of copies (usually over 10,000 pcs*) on their mind.
Rotary offset printing machine at work (illustration)
Another essential aspect of the rotary offset technology – apart from quantity – is speed.
In fact, the actual time spent on the production itself is just a fraction of the process of graphic design,
prepress stage and calibrating the machine. Taking all these into consideration, paper thickness can range from the minimal level
of 42,5 grams per square meter newsprint paper all the way up to the 130 grams per square meter MWC paper with rotary offset printing.
* Indicative data only; volumes related to printing technologies show overlaps (depending on various parameters it may occur that sheet-fed printing is recommended even over 100,000 copies or rotary offset printing is recommended from 1,000 copies). It is always the very parameters of the current order that determines the most optimal printing technology for you.